Konfigurasi Linksys WRT54GL Untuk RTRWNet
Tidak sah rasanya jika saya tidak membagi tips tentang konfigurasi linksys wrt54gl sebagai server gateway akses point di rtrwnet yang saya gunakan untuk membagi koneksi internet unlimited saya ke tetangga terdekat. Mungkin sampean semua sudah banyak yang tau kalau linkys wrt54gl ini adalah radio yang murah meriah dan cocok sebagai aplikasi rtrwnet.
Sebagai default dari linksys WRT54GL ini adalah hanya bisa digunakan sebagai client saja, akan tetapi sampean tidak usah kuwatir jika radio ini akan sampean gunakan sebagai client. Karena jika sampean upgrade firmwarenya dengan sistem DD-WRT, radio linksys ini bisa sampean gunakan tidak hanya untuk akses point saja, melainkan bisa juga digunakan client. Dan DD-WRT ini bisa anda dapatkan secara gratis tinggal download ddwrt di situsnya.
Oh ya kelebihan dd-wrt ini sangat banyak, selain bisa menjadi client bisa juga untuk menaikkan tx powernya, akan tetapi hal ini tidak saya sarankan :) , dan radio ini juga akan bisa digunakan sebagai repeater. Dari beberapa fitur kelebihan dari dd-wrt yang saya suka adalah adanya site survey dan wiviz survey, karena 2 hal ini sangat sangat membantu dan menghibur saya. Jika bete di depan internet kadang saya melihat kegunaan wiviz survey yang bisa mendetect signal wifi di atas langit sana, ndak bisa kubayangkan jika signal wifi itu bisa dilihat dg kasat mata mungkin signal wifi itu akan nampak bersliweran seperti yang nampak pada bagian wiviz.
Kembali ke topik, asumsi saya tentang tips kongfigurasi linksys WRT54GL ala saya ini adalah setelah upgrade firmwarenya menjadi DD-WRT v24 RC-6, jadi jika radio sampean masih defaultnya wrt54gl tinggal menyesuaikan saja.
1. Login ke IP dari wrt54gl, sebagai default adalah Sedangkan user dan pass default setelah di upgrade firmwarenya adalah user root pass admin.
2. Masuk menu SETUP-BASIC SETUP :
* Connection Type : PPPoE
* Isi user name dan password acount sampean, berhubung saya makai supedi yah acount saya dr supedi, sedangkan Service Name juga sesuaikan masing2, saya maka supedi jadi saya isi speedy.
* Pada bagian Optional Settings isi data ROUTER NAME, HOST NAME, DOMAIN NAME. Sesuaikan dengan kemauan sampean sendiri. Karena ini hanya bersifat indentitas saja.
* Di bagian Network Setup-Router IP isi IP yang sampean mau, sebagai contoh krn tadi login dg ip maka Local IP Address juga sama, terus Subnet Mask, Gateway, Local DNS
* Setelah itu masih di halaman yg sama, pada bagian Network Address Server Settings (DHCP), ini saya sarankan memakai dhcp saja, tentunya DHCP Server diset ke enable.
* Untuk DNS silakan diisi sesuai DNS inet yang sampean pakai.
* DI bagian time setting, untuk Server IP/Name diisi ntp.pool.org.
* Wireless Mode seting ke AP
* Wireless Network Mode: saya memakai B-Only, untuk alasannya suer ndak ngerti saya :)
* Wireless Network Name (SSID): Isikan sesuai kemauan sampean, kalau punya saya isi MEDINET, SSID ini berfungsi sbg nama akses point sampean nantinya.
* Wireless Channel: pilih antara 1-14, saya sendiri makai channel 6 :)
* Network Configuration: saya menggunakan Bridged
sampai di atas sebenarnya akses point sampean sudah bisa berfungsi, tinggal mengatur apakah mau dijadikan free hotspot atau model saweran sperti punya saya. kalau sampean tidak ingin untuk bebas di pakai oleh orang lain, dan hanya orang2 tertentu saja, saya menyarankan memakai mac filter. Caranya masuk ke menu wireless-mac filter lalu di bagian use filter centang enable dan dibagian Filter Mode centang Permit only clients listed to access the wireless network, lalu masukin mac addres user yang mau gabung dengan cara klik edit mac filter, lalu masukkan mac addresnya.
Oke semoga tips konfigurasi linksys wrt54gl sebagai server gateway akses point rtrwnet ini bisa berguna bagi sampean yang akan membagi koneksi internet dengan tetangga dekat dengan menggunakan teknologi wireless, baik dibuat saweran atau bahkan dijadikan internet gratis. Jadi mari kita koneksikan RT/RW anda dengan internet, membangun silahturahmi dan mencerdaskan kehidupan bertetangga dengan RTRW-Net. Mudah2an dengan adanya rtrwnet masyarakat akan lebih melek lagi tentang internet, siapa tau dengan adanya internet dirumah masing2 akan menggugah mereka untuk ngeblog dan berbagi informasi tentang segala hal yang mereka tau :) . Jadi ayu ngeblog lagi !!!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
MS Office 2010
mungkin mlm ini saya blm bs ngasih link spt judul diatas coz trnyata, banyak yg hrs ditulis utk melakukan embel" yg membuat saya malas translate(bokis bgt sich) english to indonesia. Mungkin dlm waktu beberapa hari kedepan saya bs update nih judul, bagi sodara/i skalian yg saya cintai(dlm hati brkata PIKIRKANKAH) yg mo request, silahkan di tulis di shoutmix box di frame kanan tuh, krn mungkin banyak dr sodara/i skalian yg tidak terlalu membutuhkan aplikasi yg sejauh ini saya kasih link nya.
Pokoke,, MAKNYOS !!!
wasallam. wr.wb
Pokoke,, MAKNYOS !!!
wasallam. wr.wb
Autodesk AutoCAD 2011
Design and shape the world around you with the powerful, flexible features found in AutoCAD® design and documentation software, one of the world’s leading 2D and 3D CAD tools. Speed documentation, share ideas seamlessly, and explore ideas more intuitively in 3D. With thousands of available add-ons,AutoCAD design software provides the ultimate in flexibility, customized for your specific needs. It’s time to take design further. It’s time forAutoCAD.
System Requirement
* Microsoft® Windows® 7; Microsoft® Windows Vista® (SP1 or later); or Microsoft® Windows® XP (SP2 or later)
* Windows Vista or Windows 7: Intel® Pentium® 4 or AMD Athlon® dual-core processor, 3.0 GHz or higher with SSE2 technology
* Windows XP: Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon dual-core processor, 1.6 GHz or higher with SSE2 technology
* 2 GB RAM
* 1.8 GB free disk space for installation
* 1,280 x 1,024 true color video display adapter 128 MB or greater, Microsoft® Direct3D®-capable workstation-class graphics card
Untuk men-download dengan kecepatan full, silahkan register di maknyos.com, kosongin ajah payment informationnya, gratis koq :)
links :
password :
System Requirement
* Microsoft® Windows® 7; Microsoft® Windows Vista® (SP1 or later); or Microsoft® Windows® XP (SP2 or later)
* Windows Vista or Windows 7: Intel® Pentium® 4 or AMD Athlon® dual-core processor, 3.0 GHz or higher with SSE2 technology
* Windows XP: Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon dual-core processor, 1.6 GHz or higher with SSE2 technology
* 2 GB RAM
* 1.8 GB free disk space for installation
* 1,280 x 1,024 true color video display adapter 128 MB or greater, Microsoft® Direct3D®-capable workstation-class graphics card
Untuk men-download dengan kecepatan full, silahkan register di maknyos.com, kosongin ajah payment informationnya, gratis koq :)
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Premium Link Generator
Maap bgt, kalo postingan yang satu ini,, saya blm nyobain,, silahkan anda coba dulu,, ntar kalo trnyata bisa tolong di review/comment disini yah biar tmn" yg laen bs pake jg,, untuk bersama-sama.
Rapidshare :
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Rapidshare :
4shared :
Kaspersky Pure Final Patching + Anti Blacklist
Kaspersky Pure - a new product of Kaspersky Lab to protect your files, as well as from the impact of malware, as well as from random acts.
As part of Anti-enabled component control programs, which together with Proactive Defense and Firewall which provides universal protection against any threats. Component registers the actions made by programs in the system, and regulates their activities on the basis of what degree of confidence assigned to them. Component controls access to personal user data, to parameters and objects of the operating system, and prevents the execution of programs of dangerous actions in the system.
A new component of IM-Virus provides security while working with the majority of programs for instant messaging. Component checks messages for malicious objects. The mechanism of start of third-party programs in the protected virtual environment - a safe environment. Start the Internet browser in a secure environment provides security view of Web resources, including protection against penetration of malicious programs on your computer and protect user data from unauthorized modification and deletion, as well as the ability to delete all the objects accumulated over a session on the Internet: time files, cookies, history of visiting web pages, etc.
Also included in the module testing options, which is operated by Web Anti-Virus. The module checks all links on a Web page, it belongs to the suspicious and web addresses. The module is built into Web browsers Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox as a plug. Control access to phishing Web sites and protection from phishing attacks carried out by checking the references contained in messages and on Web pages, and when trying to access Web sites on the basis of phishing URLs. Check for membership to the database of phishing URLs is available for Web Anti-Virus, IM-Virus and Anti-Spam. In the task list check the new tool - search, which makes it easier to find and eliminate security threats and vulnerabilities in the programs installed on your computer andoperating system settings.
New interface: A new approach to security management - the center of defense. Protecting your computer is provided in three areas: files and personal user data, the objects of theoperating system and programs installed on your computer, as well as work on the network. For each area of protection corresponds to a different set of components of Kaspersky Internet Security. Using the Advocacy Center, the user can assess which component is involved in the protection of certain categories of resources, and move quickly to set up its parameters.
System Backup backs up your critical files to the user (by default all the folders of documents) for any resource: external drive, local drive, network drive, ftp-server. There is also a secure storage of passwords, which is encrypted strong key
The system networking allows administratirovat computers with installed Kaspersky Total Security. You can find out what security threats are from a particular computer on the LAN. You can remotely run a full scan of a remote computer. There is also a new mechanism for updates: now all computers can be updated from a local update server, ie with the computer that downloads a database with the update servers and provides opportunity to update databases of other computers on the LAN.
OS: Windows All
Language: English
License: Full version with key (if download patch)
Size: 100 Mb
1.install kaspersky pure ny , pasti udah dong
2.kalo udah ke option , lalu cari ampe ad self defense ,lalu self defense ny di disable / di uncheck
3.click kanan di tray icon kaspesky , pilih pause protection
4.click kanan lagi di tray icon pilih exit,abis itu yes
5.Jalankan Kaspersky Hybride Pure-Internet Security 1.4.exe (bisa di download di halaman pertama yg nama ny patch for pure / download yg di message #2 punya si boypeace)
6.buka lagi kaspersky ny , lalu akan ad pilih suruh aktivasi kembali , pilih yg paling bawah ( yg gk ad tulisan )
7.Masukkan key (anda bisa pake key KIS 2010 atau KIS2011) key bisa di downlad di halam pertama
Dalam Produk ini 3 program kaspersky , bergabung jadi 1 program :
# Antivirus (namely Kaspersky Internet Security),
# Backup systems
# System of networking in the LAN.
sehinnga perlindungan nya lebih baik
Bisa Tune up PC jg lgi gan , pokok nya mangstab gan
* Protect computer's file system
* Mail protection
* Protection of Web traffic
* Protection of traffic instant messengers
* Control Program
* Safe runtime programs
* Firewall (firewall)
* Proactive protection
* Protection from network attacks
* Anti-Spam
* Anti-Banner
* Backup
* Parental control
* Data Encryption
* Password Manager
* Additional security tools
link mediafire tanpa anti blacklist
Anti Blacklist Key
As part of Anti-enabled component control programs, which together with Proactive Defense and Firewall which provides universal protection against any threats. Component registers the actions made by programs in the system, and regulates their activities on the basis of what degree of confidence assigned to them. Component controls access to personal user data, to parameters and objects of the operating system, and prevents the execution of programs of dangerous actions in the system.
A new component of IM-Virus provides security while working with the majority of programs for instant messaging. Component checks messages for malicious objects. The mechanism of start of third-party programs in the protected virtual environment - a safe environment. Start the Internet browser in a secure environment provides security view of Web resources, including protection against penetration of malicious programs on your computer and protect user data from unauthorized modification and deletion, as well as the ability to delete all the objects accumulated over a session on the Internet: time files, cookies, history of visiting web pages, etc.
Also included in the module testing options, which is operated by Web Anti-Virus. The module checks all links on a Web page, it belongs to the suspicious and web addresses. The module is built into Web browsers Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox as a plug. Control access to phishing Web sites and protection from phishing attacks carried out by checking the references contained in messages and on Web pages, and when trying to access Web sites on the basis of phishing URLs. Check for membership to the database of phishing URLs is available for Web Anti-Virus, IM-Virus and Anti-Spam. In the task list check the new tool - search, which makes it easier to find and eliminate security threats and vulnerabilities in the programs installed on your computer andoperating system settings.
New interface: A new approach to security management - the center of defense. Protecting your computer is provided in three areas: files and personal user data, the objects of theoperating system and programs installed on your computer, as well as work on the network. For each area of protection corresponds to a different set of components of Kaspersky Internet Security. Using the Advocacy Center, the user can assess which component is involved in the protection of certain categories of resources, and move quickly to set up its parameters.
System Backup backs up your critical files to the user (by default all the folders of documents) for any resource: external drive, local drive, network drive, ftp-server. There is also a secure storage of passwords, which is encrypted strong key
The system networking allows administratirovat computers with installed Kaspersky Total Security. You can find out what security threats are from a particular computer on the LAN. You can remotely run a full scan of a remote computer. There is also a new mechanism for updates: now all computers can be updated from a local update server, ie with the computer that downloads a database with the update servers and provides opportunity to update databases of other computers on the LAN.
OS: Windows All
Language: English
License: Full version with key (if download patch)
Size: 100 Mb
1.install kaspersky pure ny , pasti udah dong
2.kalo udah ke option , lalu cari ampe ad self defense ,lalu self defense ny di disable / di uncheck
3.click kanan di tray icon kaspesky , pilih pause protection
4.click kanan lagi di tray icon pilih exit,abis itu yes
5.Jalankan Kaspersky Hybride Pure-Internet Security 1.4.exe (bisa di download di halaman pertama yg nama ny patch for pure / download yg di message #2 punya si boypeace)
6.buka lagi kaspersky ny , lalu akan ad pilih suruh aktivasi kembali , pilih yg paling bawah ( yg gk ad tulisan )
7.Masukkan key (anda bisa pake key KIS 2010 atau KIS2011) key bisa di downlad di halam pertama
Dalam Produk ini 3 program kaspersky , bergabung jadi 1 program :
# Antivirus (namely Kaspersky Internet Security),
# Backup systems
# System of networking in the LAN.
sehinnga perlindungan nya lebih baik
Bisa Tune up PC jg lgi gan , pokok nya mangstab gan
* Protect computer's file system
* Mail protection
* Protection of Web traffic
* Protection of traffic instant messengers
* Control Program
* Safe runtime programs
* Firewall (firewall)
* Proactive protection
* Protection from network attacks
* Anti-Spam
* Anti-Banner
* Backup
* Parental control
* Data Encryption
* Password Manager
* Additional security tools
link mediafire tanpa anti blacklist
Anti Blacklist Key
Adobe CS5 Master Collection
Tell your story from start to finish with one comprehensive offering. Adobe® Creative Suite® 5 Master Collection software enables you to design and develop amazing work, collaborate effectively, and deliver virtually anywhere. Craft a corporate identity using Illustrator CS5 to engage your audience online. Use new Flash Catalyst CS5 to make it part of an expressive, interactive interface without writing code. Use Flash Professional CS5 to engage your audience with microsites and casual games that present your designs consistently across desktops, browsers, and mobile devices. Enhance HD video productions with high-resolution imagery from Photoshop CS5 Extended. Add intricate effects using After Effects CS5, and edit dramatically faster in Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.
* Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended - Discover new dimensions in digital imaging
* Adobe Illustrator CS5 - Explore new paths with the essential vector tool
* Adobe InDesign CS5 - Design professional layouts for print and digital publishing
* Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro - Deliver revolutionary digital documents and accelerate information exchange with PDF
* Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5 - Create expressive interfaces and interactive content without writing code
* Adobe Flash Professional CS5 - Create and deliver rich interactive content
* Adobe Flash Builder 4 - Develop cross-platform rich Internet applications
* Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 - Design, develop, and maintain standards-based websites and applications
* Adobe Fireworks CS5 - Rapidly prototype and design for any device
* Adobe Contribute CS5 - Simplify website management
* Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 - Bring high-performance editing to next-generation storytelling
* Adobe After Effects CS5 - Create motion graphics and visual effects with the industry standard
* Adobe Soundbooth CS5 - Create and edit audio with ease
* Adobe OnLocation CS5 - Shoot better and faster with powerful production tools
* Adobe Encore CS5 - Deliver virtually anywhere
System Requirement
* Intel® Pentium® 4 or AMD Athlon® 64 processor (Intel Core™2 Duo or AMD Phenom® II recommended); Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Phenom II required for Adobe® Premiere® Pro
* Processor with 64-bit support required for Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects®
* Microsoft® Windows® XP with Service Pack 3; Windows Vista® Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise with Service Pack 1 (Service Pack 2 recommended); or Windows 7
* 64-bit edition of Windows Vista or Windows 7 required for Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects
* 2GB of RAM (4GB or more recommended)
* 24.3GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on removable flash-based storage devices)
* 1280x900 display (1280x1024 recommended) with qualified hardware-accelerated OpenGL graphics card, 16-bit color, and 256MB of VRAM
Keygen: http://www.indowebster.com/AdobeCS5MasterCollectionKeymaker.html
Yang part terakhir mediafire, "Adobe CS5 Master Collectionpart28.rar", diekstrak dulu biar dapet Adobe CS5 Master Collection.part28.rar, baru abis itu diekstrak semua part 1-28nya, soalnya rupanya mediafire gak bisa ngeupload file ber password
Password :
* Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended - Discover new dimensions in digital imaging
* Adobe Illustrator CS5 - Explore new paths with the essential vector tool
* Adobe InDesign CS5 - Design professional layouts for print and digital publishing
* Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro - Deliver revolutionary digital documents and accelerate information exchange with PDF
* Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5 - Create expressive interfaces and interactive content without writing code
* Adobe Flash Professional CS5 - Create and deliver rich interactive content
* Adobe Flash Builder 4 - Develop cross-platform rich Internet applications
* Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 - Design, develop, and maintain standards-based websites and applications
* Adobe Fireworks CS5 - Rapidly prototype and design for any device
* Adobe Contribute CS5 - Simplify website management
* Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 - Bring high-performance editing to next-generation storytelling
* Adobe After Effects CS5 - Create motion graphics and visual effects with the industry standard
* Adobe Soundbooth CS5 - Create and edit audio with ease
* Adobe OnLocation CS5 - Shoot better and faster with powerful production tools
* Adobe Encore CS5 - Deliver virtually anywhere
System Requirement
* Intel® Pentium® 4 or AMD Athlon® 64 processor (Intel Core™2 Duo or AMD Phenom® II recommended); Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Phenom II required for Adobe® Premiere® Pro
* Processor with 64-bit support required for Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects®
* Microsoft® Windows® XP with Service Pack 3; Windows Vista® Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise with Service Pack 1 (Service Pack 2 recommended); or Windows 7
* 64-bit edition of Windows Vista or Windows 7 required for Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects
* 2GB of RAM (4GB or more recommended)
* 24.3GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on removable flash-based storage devices)
* 1280x900 display (1280x1024 recommended) with qualified hardware-accelerated OpenGL graphics card, 16-bit color, and 256MB of VRAM
Keygen: http://www.indowebster.com/AdobeCS5MasterCollectionKeymaker.html
Yang part terakhir mediafire, "Adobe CS5 Master Collectionpart28.rar", diekstrak dulu biar dapet Adobe CS5 Master Collection.part28.rar, baru abis itu diekstrak semua part 1-28nya, soalnya rupanya mediafire gak bisa ngeupload file ber password
Password :
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